Hallo, Ich bin snowy!

Image to Come
  • Ref-Nummer 18/778
  • Name Snowy
  • Alter 6 jahre, 0 monate
  • Geschlecht Männlich
  • Rasse European shorthair
  • Farbe white
  • Kastriert/Sterilisiert Nein
  • Geimpft Nein
  • Ist das Tier in einer Pflegestelle? Nein
  • Ist das Tier zur Adoption reserviert? Ja

18/778 Snowy


I am Snowy!  I was named because I have gorgeous white fur ~ like the snow!  I was dumped in a bin with my brothers, Sooty and Sweep.  We were far away from our mother and we were very scared.  Luckily, somebody heard our cries and took us into SCAN.  We needed to spend some time in foster car as we were too young to take care of ourselves.

Now we are strong and are having fun running around the kitten Suite at SCAN learning about climbing and jumping and cuddling with the volunteers.


I am now in my forever home and loving life with my people ~ Thank You SCAN

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