Hallo, Ich bin tomy!

Image to Come
  • Ref-Nummer /18
  • Name Tomy
  • Alter 7 jahre, 2 monate
  • Geschlecht Männlich
  • Rasse Labrador x
  • Art der Rasse Gemischt
  • Farbe black
  • Kastriert/Sterilisiert Nein
  • Geimpft Ja
  • Ist das Tier in einer Pflegestelle? Nein
  • Ist das Tier zur Adoption reserviert? Nein

Tomy /18

Tomy is one of 5 gorgeous puppies found dumped in a villagers garden. All though slightly nervous when they first arrived at the shelter, they have quickly adapted to living at Scan and are really very well behaved (it has even been mentioned that they may be the best behaved puppies we have had in the shelter!) .

Tomy, (black with white mark on chest in the shape of "batman sign"), is the biggest of the litter, he is confident, playful and a cheeky little chappy . He loves playing in our "play area" with all our other dogs (big and small) and is learning lots from them. He is even now sharing his pen with an adult female podenco who is taking good care of him and making sure he is (mostly) well behaved.

Tomy loves to go for walks and behaves very well on the lead, he also loves lots of cuddles!

If you would like to know more about this little angel please contact us or come to the shelter to meet him.


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