
Sponsorship is becoming an incredibly important part of SCAN’s funding programme. Without the active support and sponsorship of individuals and businesses both local and international and our Municipal Authorities SCAN’s annual fund raising programme would be all that more difficult.

To all those who have actively sponsored SCAN in a whole range of different ways we say on behalf of our animals a great big thank you.

This year we intend to develop our links with local businesses up and down the Costa Blanca to create strong levels of public, business and corporate awareness of Animal Welfare and a clear understanding of the plight of Abandoned and Maltreated Animals.

Our Sponsors

Here are our current sponsors. If you or your business would like to become a sponsor and be included on this page, please contact us.


Symphonic Ibiza

Website: www.symphonicibiza.com

Pure CBD Organic Pets

Pure CBD Organic Pets